Tuesday 15 December 2015

SPECIAL DAYS - 15th December ...

I wasn't to post so soon, but like the topic suggests, it's a special day!

Special days to me, are marked by dates or moments when something unique is remembered; or let me put it properly, it is the remembrance of unique events in one's life.

Today, 15th December, is such a day for me. It is so special that no matter how gloomy previous days were, at the dawning of 15th December, the climate suddenly changes, and I remember I have so much to be thankful for. I look forward to the day it will be set apart as a public holiday ;), I'm serious!

What is that special day for you?

Drop your thoughts!

Sunday 13 December 2015


Now, what makes family love so 'everything'?

This topic has been on my mind for a while. In a family where love is present, there is something really unique about it. There's joy, laughter, fights, more fights, little malice, reconciliation, and the cycle continues.

I find that every relationship has a climax point, and that's where the strength of the relationship is formed. Family relationships is one of those. If you have never been taken for granted, you probably are not in a family, you are alone. Yes, this is not cast in stone, but I find it existent in lots of families, and it is very normal because you are all familiar with each other, so there probably isn't anything 'special' about you to them, and I repeat, it is perfectly normal (even Jesus Christ was taken for granted) so don't despair.

Some of my friends regarded family love as the sweetest and it got me thinking. I'm aware some people do not understand what we are talking about, but it doesn't take away the uniqueness, beauty and honor in family love. I only pray they get to experience it also, and understand why we are so hyped about it.

Back to the reason...

Every family unit has the history of its members. Their strength, good points, weaknesses and shortcomings. They know what makes you tick, laugh uncontrollably, gets you upset, and raving mad. They've seen you unclothed, dirty, dressed up, with zits, broken skin, literally, everything about you. They can write your biography and not miss a detail. They have grown to love you unconditionally,  and you, them.

 That's what makes family love so sweet, the unconditional acceptance that we share.

Drop your thoughts, let's share ideas.

Friday 4 December 2015


We learn everyday, and part of learning is missing it, and moving on. Did you take note? It's about missing it and moving on.

So you made a mistake, is the earth supposed to stop revolving? I don't think so. After the mistake, you learn from it and move on, and if there's nothing to learn from it, you learn how to avoid making that same mistake, and move on. Most important thing, is to move on, keep going.

Getting stuck in it doesn't help anyone. Even your critics won't have anything new to criticize anyways. You are not stagnant water, so just keep going ... there's a life after the mistake, live it and thrive!

Thursday 26 November 2015


That's exactly what they are, as frustrating as they can be, just differences!

I find that every relationship is bound to encounter challenges at some point during its life cycle. Those challenges, I have discovered, are meant to be building blocks for that relationship. Unfortunately, when these challenges occur, some are quick to throw in the towel. While they are dynamic to the type of relationship, they are still within the purview of the relationship.

Yes, today, we are focusing on relationships.
 Anything that has life grows and blossoms. The proof of life of your relationship, is challenges or differences, so to speak, and they are best suited to the people involved. There is no challenge, I believe, that is too difficult to surmount. While every difference may not be resolved, there will always be a way around it, subject to the people involved (their commitment).

So, this is a challenge to you - Keep going and give what is required, because you have what it takes to handle the challenge(s).

Wednesday 18 November 2015


I trust our week has been fruitful. Mine has been fruitful, life happens everyday right?

I have been thinking in this pattern over the past few weeks. We wake up and get ready to leave the house, and we're a little behind time, then we say, "I pray there's no traffic jam on the road". Now I've been thinking about why we pray the negative, thereby, saying what we don't want. We want to have a smooth drive to work right? Why not say, "I pray the road is free and I can get to work early". Simple right?

It seems we expect the worst, then pray for the best. This shouldn't be. Our hearts should be in consonance with our mouths. When you want to be the best in an exam, say what you want, not what you don't want. It's easy to say, "hmm, I pray that I don't fail this exam", it's laughable now that you are reading it right? The right thing to say should be what? Good, you got it! "I pray I excel in this exam!"

Another important point to note is, when you desire something, let that desire be what you want. For example, when you pray to excel in an exam, let your heart also desire to excel and forget about the fear of failure or the doubts about what you just desired, because it is your expectation that will manifest. Well, that is a subject for another day.

I hope this has impacted in our subconscious already. When you want something, say what you want, forget about what you don't want and stick with what you want.
Singleness of heart, clarity of purpose, that gets the job done.

Tuesday 10 November 2015


Everyday, our minds visit places our physical bodies have not visited, some of these places are abstract. Some are beneficial, while others are simply disadvantageous. How do we get our minds to visit and remain in the places we desire?
Someone said 'mind training'... seriously? Is there something like that? Well, I wouldn't call it 'mind training', I would say 'decision making'.
Every millisecond, we make decisions that we are most often not even aware of ... Like what I am writing emanated from a decision.
Now, some decisions are almost automatic right? No. No decision is automatic. It may feel that way because we have made them overtime, and they are supposedly, a part of us.
I believe in 'starts'. I believe there is no place that is too small or big to start from. Everything that we see now started at some point or the other.
You want to think things that you like? DECIDE to think on those things, no matter how tempted you are to think otherwise, and with time, you will begin to think what you desire. Try it, and let me have your feedback.