Sunday, 14 February 2016


Perception makes a whole world of difference. It determines worth. It is relative. The worth you place on something or someone determines their value to you. This goes a long way in determining how precious or irrelevant it is (they are) to you. Interestingly, your perception of a person or an item does not translate to the real value of that person or item, it only means that your value system is flawed. Discounting what is valuable, which you have been unable to discern, just means you get to enjoy little or nothing of that person or item.

Don't lose out on what is valuable just because you were unable to identify it. Some opportunities are a 'once in a lifetime'.

Live deliberately. Live well.

Share your thoughts.


  1. Nice one! Jumoke this is my first time of viewing your blog. Great works!Ride on!

  2. Thanks so much babes. I appreciate you.
