Thursday, 26 November 2015


That's exactly what they are, as frustrating as they can be, just differences!

I find that every relationship is bound to encounter challenges at some point during its life cycle. Those challenges, I have discovered, are meant to be building blocks for that relationship. Unfortunately, when these challenges occur, some are quick to throw in the towel. While they are dynamic to the type of relationship, they are still within the purview of the relationship.

Yes, today, we are focusing on relationships.
 Anything that has life grows and blossoms. The proof of life of your relationship, is challenges or differences, so to speak, and they are best suited to the people involved. There is no challenge, I believe, that is too difficult to surmount. While every difference may not be resolved, there will always be a way around it, subject to the people involved (their commitment).

So, this is a challenge to you - Keep going and give what is required, because you have what it takes to handle the challenge(s).